Thursday 20 August 2015

Beardtopia (20 August 2015)

Beards! Beards everywhere!!!

Every time I turn my head some other man has grown a big fuck off busy beard!  Now, don't get me wrong, a bead can be very sexy on a guy if its kept under control even a little bit.  It seems to be the latest 'man fashion' craze sweeping the nation, maybe its not a bad thing, I'm not really the type for completely clean shaved anyway. 

The one thing that scares the life out of me is the ones that take it too far, the ones that think its still sexy to look like Grizzly Adams!  When men's beards start to get to long I'm always sucked back into my child hood when the teacher would read 'The Twits' to us in school.  I look at these bushy bearded men and just think of Mr. Twit and how there is probably food lodged away in their bead and the possibility of a wee bird living in there!

Men take note, your beards are sexy but don't forget to fucking wash them because the last thing we want to find on an intimate night is a midnight snack stuck in there......actually that might not be such a bad idea after all! :)

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