Monday, 3 August 2015

Personality Whoreism, is that a Word?(3 August 2015)

I'm on a roll today.  I'm starting to sound like a grumpy old woman but trust me I'm not.  Just sick of hearing shit day in and day out.

Recently I have become sick of hearing people tell me how great they are, how funny, how generous, how interesting zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz, you lost me at the first point.

Now I'm a very laid back person and it take a lot of shit to piss me off but this is just starting to get on my tits.  I sat for 10 minutes one day listening to someone tell me how funny they were, I wouldn't know how to explain that in more than one sentence never mind a 10 minute conversation!  Anyway, during this horrible moment in my life I noticed that within this 10 minutes I didn't laugh or even let out a snigger once.  Sorry, but your not funny! 

How do you know your funny? People friggin laugh in your presence! So stop talking shit in my ear.  This person is also one of 'them ones' that constantly take selfies.  Now a wee selfie now and again never hurt anyone, especially when its a drunk one when you think your looking great until you check your phone the next morning and you look like one of those troll dolls that's been dragged through a hedge backwards.
But anyway, these selfies she takes are those fucking 'trout pout' ones.  The ones where the face looks like at any moment its gonna cave in and the face will implode by the sucking of the lips.  Do men actually find this attractive?  Guys, if you don't please speak up now and do us all a favour so I don't have to look at this shit everyday!  I just think the trout pout posed looks demented!

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