Friday, 14 August 2015

Cracking During an Argument (14 August 2015)

I know I’m not the only one that does this although I have never had it done on me, probably because if someone did it to me I would just verbally crush them because I think too quick on my feet. 

Have you ever had a conversation with someone and your just thinking in your head ‘just shut the fuck up’.  You know this person is so full of shit but yet you stand there and bite your tongue.  Or the other person this could be is someone that you always have to walk around on eggshells with but they are quite an obnoxious person that is quite bossy.

You listen and listen biting your tongue as you go and you’re secretly patting yourself on the back for listening to this shit.  The conversation ends and you turn to walk away free as a bird from this nonsense and you have done so well to control yourself.......then......that voice in your head just says ‘fuck it, let them have it’. 

Uncontrollably you turn back to the person and the conversation always starts with you saying ‘actually, you know what.......’ and you lay into them calling them on all of the shit that they just blurted out of their mouth.  You have no idea what is coming out of your mouth at the time but by the look on their face it’s the last time that they ever spew shit in your direction.

Just me?  Nah I didn’t think so.

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