Friday, 21 August 2015

Talking LOUD on the Phone! (21 August 2015)

I know I have ended up using this blog to vent my frustrations about most of the stuff that annoys me.  Why you ask? Usually I write this while I’m in work and if you have read any of my blog you will know that I’m not exactly ecstatic about my job.


Outside of work I promise I’m quite a happy person, very laid back and nothing really gets me down.  In here though, stuck in an office all day, it’s like a fish bowl.


I’m sitting here at the minute with my headphones on listening to music, rock music at the minute at that and I can still hear a certain someone on the phone.  This someone is one of those people that think that because you are talking to someone on the phone you have to talk REALLY LOUD!


Now my granny was one of these people that shouted down the phone because when she was young she never had a phone.  When it came time for her to use one she didn’t quite understand the workings of them so she yelled as if the person was miles away.  As a child I found this very amusing and of course we would make fun of her.


When you are stuck in a small room 8 hours a day trying to concentrate on your work (I do that on occasion) you can’t even hear yourself think most of the time.  I’m a finance person (for my sins, I must have been a real turd in a past life to deserve this, wonder what I did?) so I need to concentrate or I’m basically gonna fuck things up, end of!


Why these people insist on talking so loud is beyond me.  It aggravates not just me but the people around me and watching their faces screw up more and more as the conversation goes on and they look as if they are about to explode is the only little satisfaction I get from the situation.  Knowing I’m not alone in my frustration is the only thing stopping me from standing up and shouting ‘Shut the fuck up’ across the room.  I’m a nice person so I would have to add in a bit of comedy value to it too of course. 

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