I have bit my tongue on this topic for too long, which isn't like me cos I usually just speak my mind, but this is getting ridiculous. It's not really a topic people want to hear about and I don't particularly want to write about but it has to be done.
Adults using toilets that have apparently forgot how to use one!! All those years of training you were given by your parents when growing up on how to actually use the loo. It isn't rocket science now is it? You make your 'deposit' and you FLUSH the fucking chain!!! Holy shit like it isn't hard steps to follow. At least a few times a week in work (where there are no children to take the blame) you see this common occurrence of someone leave their 'dsposit' (lets just call it a floater) in the loo. I don't need to be seeing that shit (don't mind the pun).
So this isn't a sexist post I'm actually talking about the women's loos, people always say that the men's toilets are the worst.....guys I'm telling you this now, women's loos are frigging minging! I just dread to see how these so called adults are potty training their own kids.
That's my rant over at the minute. Think this one deserves a page to itself.
lol. Tell me about it.