Thursday, 16 July 2015

Fucking Fence!!, Travel, Farts, Mums, Movies & Booze

15th July 2015


Back to work after four days off..depression will slowly start to begin to sink in.  I was supposed to write a lot of things down while I was off but I forgot because drinking got in the way :)

One shall try ones best to recap what happened.

10th July 2015


I got home and the weather was decent so back to the fence painting I went.  20 friggin minutes in and the heavens opened, but I hadn't finished the panel I had started so I stayed there until I did (cos I'm such a prick).

11th July 2015 

The sun was shining so I got out the old paintbrush again and tackled the fence.  I got one side of the garden done but then we were heading away for the weekend to the in-laws holiday cottage.


We were about 30 minutes into our car journey when I got a whiff of what I thought smelled like a sewer.  So I said to my hubby "OMG do you smell that? Its rotten!"  When I turned to look at him he was just sitting there laughing, so proud of himself.  "It doesn't smell bad, does it?" he asked.  "Smells like shite" I told him but he was still finding this hysterical.  Men are friggin weird.

The drive is about two hours of endless road but we eventually got there.  We unpacked our things and took our dog and the in-laws dog for a walk.  This was their first time meeting, it went great.

We sat with the in-laws for the next 5-6 hours drinking, for too much as usual.  We didn't get out of bed the next morning until near 11am.

12th July 2015

Got up and had breakfast after getting a bit of fresh air.  The hubby felt so hungover that he went back to bed without eating.  Once I had my breakfast I joined him cos I wasn't gonna turn down the opportunity to take a nap.  We didn't get out of bed until 2pm.

We went out to start tackling the garden (after the trouble I'm having getting my own finished the last thing I wanted to do was garden).  We didn't get too far before the strimmer broke and he had to head to the next town to get a new part from the hardware shop.  By the end of the day we got the front garden finished, which doesn't sound like much but if you seen the state of it even you would be proud.

Got dinner and started drinking again, what else are holidays for? Didn't last quite as long as the night before but it was still a good laugh.  My mother in law faded on the sofa early as usual then took herself off to bed.  Me and the hubby were the last ones up until I passed out with tiredness.  Time for bed!

13th July

Got up, lay about the house for a bit, ate, packed our bags and then started off for home.  We got about 3 miles down the road before we stopped and took the dog out for a few miles and then on our way again.  By the time we got near home the band parade for the holidays was taking up the whole main road, needless to say we were stuck in traffic for a while.

When we got home we were looking forward to a quiet night in front of the TV but ended up drinking as well. We watched Ted 2, it was very funny, you just have to love that bear.

14th July 2015

Start the day with a sausage soda with fried onions...yum friggin yum!!! 

Had to go do the dreaded grocery shopping and needed some stuff for the garden.  Im looking forward to winter so I don't have to go near my garden, frig it will be winter before I get it finished at this rate.

The hubby did some stuff to the garden when we got home while I tried to hoover out my car boot since the huge white monster that is our dog seem to shed every hair he had while he was in there yesterday, it looked like someone had murdered a sheep.

This hard work didn't last long before we decided to bugger off to the cinema to see the new Terminator movie.  Cheesy but quite entertaining.

Came home with great intentions of finishing cleaning the boot of the car but instad I'm just driving around with the hoover in the boot.

Think that all the catch up we need.  So back to today.....

15th July 2015


So far its shit.  The car park is half empty cos everyone is off on holidays.  Roll on 5pm til I get my ass home.


My mum rang  me earlier to ask if I would pop over some night to do some stuff for my dad.  I told her I would be over that way on Friday cos I'm off work and I had an appointment over near her house.  I told her I would be short for time cos I had plans.

The moment those words passed my lips I knew what was coming.  Mums do not have the ability to resist investigating your life outside your relationship with them.  So I brand her nuts!
"What's your plans?" she asked
"I'm just meeting up with a friend"
"What friend?"
"No one you know mum"
"What friend is it?"
"Mum, you don't know them so there's no point even telling you" (I knew this would be driving her mad and of course mum being mum this was not a hint for her to give up.  In face she tried the guessing game next)
"Is it that friend that owns the shop?"
"No mum it isn't"
"I think it is, I'm going to go down there and introduce myself to her"
"Go ahead mum, knock youself out"
This was probably the highlight of her day.  Some of my friends refer to her as a detective or FBI cos she grills everyone until she has information she can collect and pass on.

Turns out my friend cant even make it on Friday as she has to go to a funeral.


I was heading home from a walk with the dog when I seen an aul doll wearing a bright orange skirt, not that I don't mind retro colours, but you could clearly see right though it and notice that she was wearing a thong.  It's not what I wanted to see anyway, especially not on an aul person.  My evening was disturbed from that moment.

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