Friday 17 July 2015

Baby Hands & Tom Hardy the Karaoke King

Baby Hands

Was sitting in the hairdressers this morning when I heard the weirdest comment about a newborn baby "he has his dad's hands". Seriously WTF? I have heard he has his nose or eyes before but hands? Does the dad have wee T-rex arms to go with his tiny hands?

Tom Hardy the Karaoke King!

Once again my dream was rudely invaded by the man known as Tom Hardy!  Same thing as last time, up on stage at karaoke except thing time it was "Born to be Wild".  I hope this isn't some prophecy that we are destined to have a karoke competition cos if it is then I'm fucked!

 This made me laugh


  1. Tom Hardy can invade my dreams anytime and twice on Sundays.

    1. haha too true. I wonder if he's actually any good at karakoe??
